Can I speak to a sales representative?

Yes, you can! We would love to assist you call us NOW (+27) 084 599 2285

I can’t find what I’m looking for!

Look no further, we here to help you. Call us or email your requirement to sales@onlineindustrial.co.za

I need a purchase order number on my invoice, what do I do?

Email your official order to sales@onlineindustrial.co.za with your purchase tracking number or insert the PO number in the special instruction’s column provide within the check out and we’ll ensure your purchase order number will reflect on an official invoice.

I need a proforma invoice?

Email your requirement to accounts@onlineindustrial.co.za with you purchase order, we’ll take care of the rest for you.

When will I receive my order?

Quicker than you think with our fast reliable, traceable Fastway courier service!

Gauteng: 1-4 Days
Mpumalanga: 2-4 Days
Free State: 2-4 Days
KwaZulu Natal: 2-4 Days
Western cape town: 2-5 Days
Eastern cape town: 2-5 Days
Northern cape town: 2-5 Days
Limpopo: 2-4 Days
Grey areas: 3-8 Days (Monday-Friday)
Other: For all exports, please contact onlineindustrial for further advisement

Subject to availability and receipt of payment. Delivery time schedule Monday-Friday excluding public holidays

Can I add more products after placing the order?

Yes, you can! Contact us immediately so we may assist you or email us sales@onlineindustrial.co.za with all your extra requirements and we’ll handle the rest for you.

Do you offer technical assistance, repairs and support?

Yes, we do! Contact us today for further instruction at sales@onlineindustrial.co.za

Can I track my order?

Yes! Effective tracking with Courier Guy & Fastway couriers, go to https??:courierguy.co.za, https//: fastway.co.za enter your tracking number, hit the track parcel and bang! Your have your answer or contact Online Industrial to do it for you.

How do I pay for my products and is it secure?

Online Industrial offers you seamless transaction through our accredited payment options which keeps your privacy and security as our top priority!


OH No! My parcel is damage What do I do?

Refuse delivery, of which the parcel will be returned to Online Industrial. Once received we will sort the finer details out and ensure you receive the product asap. If you have received the parcel damaged, please notify us immediately to avoid any delay.

Can I open a 30-day account with you?

Yes, you can! Contact Online Industrial for further details and credit application form assessment will be sent to you.